Covid-19 Summer Update

Jul 22, 2020

Greetings, fellow humans. I have not been posting for a while, as life has been busy. I wanted to post an update. It is now July 22nd, 4 months after our country is (needlessly) ravaged by a largely preventable crisis. One thing I am noticing: My eyelids, which used to be dry, itchy, and painful, are totally fine. I have been to the doctor for it, and they don’t know what causes it. They just prescribe some moisturizer, and send me on my way.

However, since I have not been sitting under florescent lights, or sitting in traffic, or for whatever other reason, my eyelids are completely back to normal. Very interesting. My wife had the same issue, to a lessor degree.

My disdain for traffic has not decreased at all.

I hope you and yours are healthy and well, stay safe out there! If you are a Portland resident, watch out for thugs dressed in camo jumping out of vans and kidnapping you.