Leaving Portland

Sep 24, 2021

It is with a heavy heart I write that I am finally leaving Portland. Our family made a collective decision, it is time to go. There are a lot of factors that went in to our decision, but that did not make the decision any easier to make. I will miss so much about this city. I grew up here. I have lived in NE, NW, SE, SW, Downtown, Mt. Hood, Lake Oswego, Council Crest, and likely others. So many places and friends, I can’t possibly even begin to name them all. I will miss Escape from NY Pizza more than any restaurant in town. There have been so many that are already gone. The Hollywood Burger Bar. Humdingers on Barbur. Farrels. Pietro’s Pizza. The Organ Grinder.

I will not miss the traffic. I won’t miss the lines at Mt. Hood Meadows. I won’t miss not being able to find a good camping place within 200 miles of Portland. The crowds, the crime, the overall tone of this city has just changed. I have changed. Time for a new start.

I will miss my friends here. My family. I brothers and sisters. There are no words that can describe the adventures we shared, the things we experienced. I will visit as often as possible-

Now, if you are interested in a house in Portland….. Just kidding, sold.