
May 02, 2020

In 2013, my wife and I took a trip to France (and Amsterdam and Spain), and while there, we visited the worlds most amazing bakeries.

I was always pretty good in a kitchen, but I lacked baking skills. I had tried and failed a few times at bread, but never had any success. Over the following 7 years, I have learned a little bit about making bread, and using different techniques, have fine tuned some of the recipes. I have been asked more than once to share my recipes, and finally have the time to do so.

Today I am writing down the equipment I use, and ingredients.

Part 1 – Equipment
Part 2 – Ingredients

It’s important to remember that bread making is indeed a trade. Once you master the rise, you will be proficient in pizza dough, focaccia, pita, flatbread, etc. You can take it as seriously as you like- Just be prepared to fail, and try again. I have cooked quite a few bricks, burnt a few loaves, under-cooked a few, and had even more turn out just right. I still have yet to master the dark rye. I have tried that one only a few times, but the rocks that I pulled out of the oven were so bad I finally gave up. Perhaps I will try that one again soon.

One thing that is great about the internet, is there are MILLIONS of recipes, tutorials, videos, and examples of how to do this, so if you want to start baking before I put my personal recipe up, go for it!

I will be adding part 3 soon with video on the steps!
Part 3 Here!