Bread making video

May 15, 2020

Ok! I finally got around to editing and uploading a video on the bread making process! I have been pinged on doing this for a while, by maybe a dozen people (huge numbers I know) – But I have been promising this for a while –


Text version:
3 cups unbleached white flour
2.4 tsp yeast
1 tbsp salt
1.7 cups water (approx)

1st mix together dry ingredients. Mix well. Add warm water, and mix until no more dry pockets of flour. Cover and let rise at least 1 hour
2nd, wet hand and lift sides of dough without ripping the dough, and fold it into the center. Continue doing this around all the edges of the bread. Cover and let rise another hour
3rd – Either remove and shape into loaf, or put in fridge to let it proof overnight. Proofing will add flavor and stretchy-ness!

No kneed bread Here

Pizza shaping: Video

For pita: Preheat oven (with pizza stone or some substitute) to around 435, while shaping your overnight proofed dough into desired pita size. You want to roll out pitas that are roughly 1/8th inch thick, although a little thicker doesn’t hurt. Let them sit for roughly 20 minutes after rolling before you put them in the oven. Bake for roughly 7 minutes each, they will puff up like little footballs if you did it right.

Main bread post here